You’ll Fall in Love With These Top 10 Pink Houseplants

One of the most mind blowing moments as a new plant collector was finding out that there are so many pink houseplants out there!

Even though I am not typically obsessed with the colour pink, it’s remarkable that mother nature is capable of producing such brilliant pink colours. Whether you are a casual pink lover or are pink obsessed, here’s 10 of some of the most beautiful pink houseplants that you’ll love!

But wait…there’s a catch!

Something that happens all to often in the world of houseplants is that beauty often comes with a price. And pink houseplants are certainly no exception to that.

They can be difficult to care for

Just like houseplants with a lot of white variegation, pink houseplants tend to have more complicated care needs. The traditional green pigment in houseplants is created by chlorophyll, which is an essential component of photosynthesis. It allows the plant to absorb light. Plants with less green therefore, tend to be more difficult to grow. At the very least, their growth tends to be slower than your typical green houseplant. You may find that they require more bright indirect light in order to thrive as well. This brings us to the next point.

They can come with a high price tag

Pink houseplants tends to be in high demand, precisely because they are more beautiful. Combine this with the slower growth, and that’s the perfect recipe for a pricey houseplant. As you will soon learn, however, many of these pink houseplants are well worth the trouble and the price!

Let’s dive into the top 10 pink houseplants you’ll love!

1. Tradescantia Nanouk

The pop of blush pink on this tradescantia variety is the new “it” houseplant. It is currently exploding in popularity on social media, and it’s very clear as to why that is! It’s great to see tradescantia get a moment to shine because they are quite easy to care for houseplants. And, contrary to what I mentioned earlier, these pink beauties grow fairly quickly, thanks in part to the green stripes on their leaves.

2. Stromanthe Triostar

Now this houseplant is always a show stopper! Not only do they have stunning leaf patterns with pink and white variegation but they also have a very striking dark pink underside to their leaves and stems as well. These plants are not difficult to find, nor do they typically fetch a high price tag. The price you may pay, however, will be in their care requirements. Stromanthe Triostar require high humidity and consistently moist soil in order to stay happy. BONUS TIP: in my experience, the larger the plant the less finicky it is to care for so select a larger specimen to ensure happier pink houseplants!

Stromanthe Triostar

3. Calathea Majestica

Another stunning calathea-type pink houseplant! This calathea has predominantly white pinstriped variegation, but with a light pink dusting on the leaves, making it a truly breathtaking houseplant to own. It is, however, also notoriously difficult to care for as well but very well worth the effort! If you want to explore calathea care further, check out my blog post on Calathea 101!

Calathea Majestica/Whitestar

4. Variegated String of Hearts

If you’re looking for an adorably pink trailing houseplant, then look no further than the variegated string of hearts! Unlike their greener counterpart, variegated string of hearts tend to be a little slower to grow and require a little more bright indirect light, but it otherwise is relatively straightforward to care for. They are also slowly becoming more accessible and affordable in North America, so pink houseplant lovers rejoice!

Variegated String of Hearts

5. Alocasia Pink Dragon

This alocasia is so striking and beautiful, it is high up on my houseplant wish list these days! Though not known for having pink leaves like the previous pink houseplants on this list, their striking pink stems really steal the show! They contrast perfectly against their dark green leaves, and their care needs measure up well against most Alocasia varieties. They do prefer higher humidity and a well draining soil mixture to stay happy! (Full Alocasia care guide coming soon!)

6. Philodendron Pink Princess

We come to the most notorious and infamous pink houseplant on our list! The philodendron pink princess is one of the most in demand pink houseplants on the market. In fact, they would likely be one of the most in demand houseplants on the market in general, next to the variegated monstera. They are beautiful, with brilliantly pink variegation, so these particular plants do come with a high pricetag and may not be too easy to find depending on your location. Another common challenge with the pink princess is maintaining variegation and preventing them from reverting, depending on the light conditions you can give them.

*NOTE: This is not to be confused with the Philodendron Pink Congo, which is an entirely different issue. Check out Kaylee Ellen’s video on the Pink Congo if you’re interested in learning more about that!*

7. Ficus Elastica Ruby

If you’re looking for a more easily accessible houseplant with a pop of pink, the Ficus Elastica Ruby is a stunning addition to a pink lover’s plant collection! Following typical rubber tree houseplant care, they aren’t particularly challenging either which is great news! It’s also an excellent choice if you’re hoping for a pink tree in your home (because who wouldn’t love to have a PINK TREE?!)

Ruby Rubber Tree

8. Peperomia Pink Lady

Peperomia collectors know all too well the adorable peperomia caperata “pink lady”. A quick Pinterest search is all you’ll need to fall in love with this adorable plant! They can range from a splash of pink against frosty green leaves, to fully pink leaves. Each of these peperomia are completely unique and adorable. Another peperomia option would be the peperomia clausiifolia which has bright pink edging around the leaves.

To learn all about the ins and outs of peperomia care, check out this blog post!

9. Hoya Carnosa Krimson Princess

Often referred to as the “hoya tricolour”, this popular hoya is famous for its chubby, succulent leaves and variegation that begins in the middle of the leaf. As the new leaves emerge, that white variegation begins as a bright pink colour and then will eventually fade to a creamy white variegation. This is what gives them their tricolour nickname because they will have a mixture of pink, white and green colours. Once you know the basics, these hoyas are also very easy to care for as well. And as a bonus, if the conditions are right, you can get these beautiful plants to bloom as well!

Hoya Carnosa Krimson Princess

10. Calathea Dottie

We are closing up with another beautiful calathea! If you like dark plants with a dash of sassy hot pink colour, you will gladly put up with the extra watering and humidity needs. Having these calathea in your home are well worth it! This particular variety is a little more finicky with its humidity needs, but it is more low light tolerant due to its darker leaves. BONUS TIP: Here’s how to prevent brown tips on your calathea!

So there you have it! 10 beautiful pink houseplants for all of those pink plant lovers out there! Did I miss any? Be sure to let me know!

Don’t forget to follow my plant journey on instagram, @plantyquirkyblogger !