The BEST Houseplants to Gift Mom for Mother’s Day

A list of houseplants you can gift mom this year…for every plant mom style!

Mother’s Day comes up quickly every spring, and it can get tricky to plan out that perfect gift. If your mom is like the millions of people worldwide who has caught the “houseplant bug”, then you’ve come to the right place! Whether your mom is a complete beginner or a rare plant hunter, this list has what you need! Here’s a comprehensive list of the BEST houseplants to gift mom for Mother’s Day.

For the Beginner Plant Mom…

ZZ Plant

Commonly known as the EZ ZZ, this is the perfect houseplant for a busy mom or a mom who is just starting out her houseplant journey. It’s stylish and striking, requires minimal watering, and can survive in low light conditions.

Hoya Kerrii

Nothing says “I love you” like a plant with leaves that are the shape of a heart! Hoya Kerii are very low maintenance. Stick them in some bright indirect light, and water when the soil is dry! (They’re very forgiving if mom waits even longer!)

Snake Plant

There’s so much variety to choose from with this genus! These houseplants are not fussy and enjoy benign neglect, making them one of the best houseplants to gift mom, whether she is busy or just starting out her plant journey!

Golden Pothos

The golden pothos are a beautiful trailing plant that is very beginner friendly and mom will love! They are fast growers and tolerant of medium to low light conditions.

For the Quirky Plant Loving Mom…

Does mom gravitate towards those unique and quirky houseplants with unusual shapes and textures! Here’s a list of some of the BEST houseplants to gift mom if she would like something a little different!

String of Hearts

Another heart themed plant! This one trails and they are super fast growers if given the right conditions and they look stunning with very minimal effort.

Satin Pothos

A pothos with shimmery leaves…need I say more? These plants are absolutely stunning, and are a shimmering twist on the average green pothos.

Pilea Peperomioides

This plant has such an interesting structure. It’s called the pancake plant because of its leaf shape, and is also nicknamed the friendship plant, because it will produce pups that you can share.

Peperomia Watermelon

A houseplant that looks like a watermelon!? Yes it’s true. This is definitely a fun and quirky houseplant to gift moms who are looking for something unique!

ZZ Raven

If your mom, has mastered the traditional ZZ plant and would like a ZZ with a twist— check out the ZZ Raven! The leaves start off lime green and then fade to a nearly black colour.

For the Pet Loving Plant Mom…

If mom loves and nurtures all things, these are some of the best houseplants to gift mom this Mother’s Day! These are listed as Pet-Friendly by the ASPCA. Click here for a longer list of pet-friendly houseplants!

Goldfish Plant

This plant is as cute as a button! The blooms are tiny, round and orange, giving the plant its famous name! It’s named after a pet, and is also pet-friendly!

Peperomia Obtusifolia

Easy to care for, adorable and yes, pet-friendly! In fact, all Peperomia are considered pet-friendly so you have a lot of options to choose from! Here’s a list of more easy peperomia if you aren’t sold on the obtusifolia!

Staghorn Fern

A beautiful and striking conversation starter! You can mount this houseplant to a wooden plank on your wall keeping it out of reach from pets but it is also classified as pet friendly!

String of Turtles

A plant that looks like tiny turtles! Sounds like a pet-loving mom’s dream gift for Mother’s Day! These are incredibly cute little plants that also belong in the Peperomia family (botanical name: Peperomia Prostrata) and therefore are pet-friendly!

For the Heavy-Handed Watering Mom…

Is mom a helicopter plant parent? Here’s some of the best houseplants to gift mom to dote and fuss over. Mom will appreciate them, and the plants will too!

Calathea Velvet Touch

Just one touch of these velvet-y leaves and mom will fall in love! While no plant can sit in soaking wet soil constantly, this Calathea is incredibly thirsty!

Peace Lily

Peace Lilies absolutely love to hang out in moist soil, and will reward mom with beautiful white blooms!

Calathea Beauty Star

This Calathea is well named, as it is a beauty AND a star! Another thirsty houseplant that appreciates a lot of TLC, making it a great houseplant to gift moms that love to dote on their plants!


These plants have interesting foliage and interesting communication skills! They will droop and look nearly dead when they’re thirsty, but this should be no problem for the heavy handed watering mom!

For the expert houseplant collector mom…

If you can get your hands on any of these in time for Mother’s Day, these are the best houseplants to gift mom, if their plant collecting game is on point!

Macodes Petola (aka the Jewel Orchid)

Have you seen these? This is a show stopping houseplant with with tiny markings that look like lightning bolts!

Hoya Compacta Mauna Loa

A twist on the Hoya Compacta and even the Marginanta, this Hoya has the variegation on the inside and is positively gorgeous!

Calathea Majestica

Some of the most beautiful and striking Calathea foliage on the market belongs to the Majestica…but it isn’t for the faint of heart. The challenge is well worth the effort if mom is a Calathea collector!

Anthurium Clarinervium

Breathtaking, shimmery but hardy leaves, this anthurium is a staple for any collector! If mom already has one, look into the Crystallinum!

Alocasia Black Velvet

Once impossible to find, these have started popping up in Canada and North America recently and is the perfect gift for an expert plant collecting mom! The leaf shape and texture are to die for!

Calathea Majestica Leaf

Get shopping!

What are you waiting for? Find the best houseplant to gift mom and she will be overjoyed at the thought. Let me know which one you choose!
And don’t forget to follow my plant journey on Instagram, @plantyquirkyblogger