How To Make Your Houseplant Hobby More Eco-Friendly
Looking to take your green thumb and turning your houseplant hobby and make it more eco-friendly? Many plant lovers love plants because we also love the environment. We want to make our homes a little greener. We may not know, however, that there are some not-so-green elements to collecting houseplants. And with the houseplant hobby exploding worldwide, it’s more important than ever that we do our best to stay mindful. One small step can make a huge difference!
Here Are Some Eco-Friendly Houseplant Tips You, Your Plants and The Planet Will Love!

Nursery Pots
As you collect more houseplants, you will notice an accumulation of nursery pots growing in your plant corner. Instead of tossing them and then purchasing pots later for re-potting, consider holding onto those nursery pots and upcycling them for future use. If you enjoy propagating, repotting, or trading plant cuttings, you can reuse the pots that you already have instead of ordering more plastic pots. Now, if you find yourself with more nursery pots than you could ever possibly use, you can inquire with your local greenhouse to donate or return the pots. You could also offer them to a friend or relative who may re-use them in their collection.
Shipping Material
If you tend to purchase or trade a lot of houseplants online, another way to reduce your footprint is to save and re-use any shipping material that you might accumulate. Bubble wrap, fillers, and boxes can all be reused if you’re shipping a plant trade to someone in the near future, before buying new. And, like the nursery pots, you can also donate any material that you don’t need to someone in need.
Shop Local
We already know the environmental benefits of shopping local and supporting local, and this is true for houseplants as well! Shop at your local nursery or plant shop before looking online or at big box stores. You’ll find that the owners are more approachable, and they may be able to get plants in stock that are at the top of your wish list if you ask nicely! Giving your support to companies who also strive for sustainable practices is always a great idea if the option is available in your area!
Opt for Eco-Friendly Houseplant Chemicals
Look into eco-friendly fertilizers, pest control, and other treatments that your houseplant may need before reaching for the alternative. It helps to be mindful when selecting any product before you use it in your home. Look at the ingredients, and their policies and decide if it’s worth contributing to their company with your hard-earned money.
BONUS TIP: Proper plant care and maintenance may also minimize the need for purchasing harsh chemicals to treat your plants too! (Accidents may still happen of course! If we all do our part, small changes can make huge a huge impact).
Try Collecting Rain Water
This option certainly won’t be available to everyone, but if you’re able to do so, collecting rain water can reduce your own water consumption. This is not only beneficial to the environment, but can save you money on your next water bill too. Any tiny steps that you take will make a big difference, so it may be worth a try! Not only that, but rainwater provides many nutrient benefits to houseplants as well!
Join Trades and Swaps
Have a plant that you no longer love? You can trade and swap houseplants locally with friends, relatives, acquaintances. There’s even local community members is another way to support local and make your plant hobby more eco-friendly. Rather than throwing away a plant that you’ve fallen out of love with, you can easily find someone nearby who will cherish that plant on your behalf! Check out Becca De La Plant’s video on Plant Swap 101 for some tips!
Get Thrift-y With Your Plant Supplies
If you are looking to re-home any baskets, plant pots, shelving, or other decor items, you can always donate them! Your local thrift store will find someone eager to scoop up and refurbish something that you might have otherwise thrown away. Likewise, if you enjoy DIY decor, you can also find the aforementioned items at your local thrift store. Do this before resorting to online shopping or big box stores. This will minimize the amount of items needlessly thrown away year after year. Check out this fun thrift swap you can try!
Bring Re-Usable or Eco-Friendly Bags To The Greenhouse
If you have forgotten to do this, you are not alone! You might be diligent about remembering to bring your reusable bags while grocery shopping or shopping for other essentials. It’s a lot harder, however, to remember to grab them before heading to your local greenhouse or plant shop. Keep some in your vehicle or jacket if you have a hard time remembering. You can also opt for carrying your plants or plant supplies home in a box instead!
We Can All Do Our Part For A More Eco-Friendly Houseplant Hobby!
What steps can you take for a more eco-friendly houseplant hobby? Are there any that I missed? Let me know! We all know too well that the biggest difference we can make is by consistently making small changes. This applies to our plant hobby as well! Follow my plant journey on Instagram @plantyquirkyblogger !
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